Centre For Agriculture and Food Policy
Dr Chapoto is a renowned agriculture economist who has conducted research on agriculture and food systems in sub Saharan Africa and has published a number of articles in peer reviewed journals, co-authored book chapters, working papers, advisory notes, policy briefs and infographics. He is the current, Research Director of the Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute (IAPRI) and Chief of Party of the USAID/IAPRI Policy Programme. He is also the Project Manager of IAPRI’s policy research, outreach and capacity building support project to Zimbabwe’s Livelihood and Food Security Programme Strengthening evidence and analysis to influence policy and private sector investments. This is being implemented by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Zimbabwe and funded by Government of the United Kingdom - Department for International Development (DFID). Between 2012 and 2014 he was with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) as a Research Fellow under the Development Strategy and Governance Division based in Accra, Ghana with IFPRI’s Ghana Strategy Support Program. Prior to joining IFPRI, Dr Chapoto was Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics at Michigan State University stationed in Zambia under the Food Security Research Project in Lusaka.
He hold a PhD in Agricultural Economics from Michigan State University (MSU) and Masters in Agricultural Economics from the University of Zimbabwe.