Centre For Agriculture and Food Policy


National Agriculture Policy Framework Quarterly Pillar meetings

Date: To be Advised
Location: virtual

The Center for Agriculture and Food Policy (CAFP) and the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, and Rural Development (MLAFWRD) will convene the first quarter National Agriculture Policy Framework (NAPF) Pillar meetings. The pillars are policy coordinating platforms were stakeholders share agricultural policy information and policy options for consideration and adoption by Government.

  • NAPF Pillar 1: Food and Nutrition Security and Resilience;
  • NAPF Pillar 2: Agricultural Knowledge, Technology and Innovation System;
  • NAPF Pillar 3: Production and Supply of Agricultural Inputs;
  • NAPF Pillar 4: Development of Agriculture Infrastructure;
  • NAPF Pillar 5: Agriculture Marketing and Trade Development;
  • NAPF Pillar 6: Agricultural Finance and Credit;
  • NAPF Pillar 7: Access, Tenure Security and Land Administration; and
  • NAPF Pillar 8: Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture.

The meetings will be held either virtually or physically, participants will be drawn from the Government, Private Sector, Farmer Unions and Development Partners.


Contact us for more information:  info@cafp.org.zw

